Tuesday, January 1, 2013

I Like This "30 Tips to Be A Perfect Person"

  1. Perfect persons love everything in their life. They love cities, villages, plains, deserts, oceans, mountains, animals and every thing in the nature. They generally love life.
  2. They never complain and don’t waste their time with moaning. They never wish to be other person. They don’t have barriers in their mind.
  3. They are always excited for what they are doing.
  4. They don’t get bored. They find something to do even in boring moments. They hate showing off and pretending to enjoy. They enjoy realities.
  5. They are independent and dont feel guilty. They don’t punish themselves.
  6. They live in the present time and are not worried about the future.
  7. They are not afraid of unknowns and always search for new experiences. They love mysterious things.
  8. They are not ignorant and stupid.
  9. They don’t enforce their love to beloves. Free from expectations, their relationship is based on free choice and mutual respect.
  10. Their private corner is very important for them. Sometimes they really love to be alone with the self.
  11. They don’t fall in love several times. Usually they fall in love once and forever.
  12. They are restrict to choose the beloved. But they love heartily and sincerely. Their love to their beloves will never end.
  13. Their way in life is not judgmental. They also don’t care about other's judgment and don’t need people’s admiration and sympathy. They don’t need to make all people satisfied. They always say what they want and are not scared to proclaim their ideas.
  14. They are honest, frank and straightforward. They live based on their wishes and ideas.
  15. They are not stubborn. But they choose their way by own.
  16. They ignore stupid traditions and irrelevant barriers.
  17. There is an account in the bank for them. But they don’t kill themselves to make it full of money. Money is the last thing they care for.
  18. Seriously and attentively, they ’re wise, open-minded and practical.
  19. They know how to laugh and make laugh. They like to tease people. But their way is not because of enmity or hatred. They never ridicule others. They don’t laugh at people, but they laugh with them. People enjoy to be with them, because they make joyful atmosphere around themselves.
  20. Routine life is not their way. They love variety.
  21. This life for them is a temporary time. Working hard to be better person, they never take life serious.
  22. They don't say sorry for what they really love to have.
  23. Facing the problems, They don’t get emotional and confused. They fight and win over problems. But they also don’t fight to take ineffectual and unfruitful goals. They are not essentially hero/heroine. Yet they are active and supportive.
  24. Life for them is not living on surface. They usually go for content and know how to live.
  25. They are creative and imaginative. For anything, They use their mind and their power of thinking. They are powerful, strong and full of energy.
  26. They need less sleep and they are healthy. There is no way for depression.
  27. They don’t put people in groups and don’t blame them.
  28. Thirsty to know, They love to learn more and more. They are very curious and are not afraid of failure. They are mostly learner instead of teacher.
  29. They have strong relationship with God. They love nature and the world.
  30. They accept what they are. They love themselves and try to be best. The most natural people, They are themselves and not anybody else.

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